If you have ever dealt with disappointment, discouragement,
or defeat because of what you believed to be unanswered prayers, this book will
give you perspective and encouragement to continue to fight.
Author Pete Wilson, pastor of Cross Point Church dissects
the feelings of defeat and discouragement we feel when it seems that we’ve been
forgotten or things are not going our way.
We live in a time where have a vision for your life and setting goals
are a normal way of life. I believe goal
setting and establishing a vision for your life is essential to moving for life
However, just as the devil has always done since the
beginning of creation, he’s taken the good and corrupted it for bad. Pete calls this “empty promises”. Pete talks about the waiting rooms of life and
how during those moments, there is a tendency to throw in the towel and
Believing God and trusting in his Wisdom and plan for our
life can be uncomfortable, when it appears nothing is happen and there is no
progress. We live in the age of progress. We need to “see” something happening, we need
to see growth, whether it’s financial growth, church growth, career growth,
family growth, when we don’t see things happening we can become discouraged.
In empty promises the author lays out practical wisdom to
having true satisfaction which can only be found in Jesus Christ. So, if you are in a season where you’ve pondered
throwing in the towel and quitting.
Maybe, you feel that God has forgotten about you, this book will renew
your hope and give you clarity on “life empty promises”.
Note: I received this book free from the publisher through the
BookSneeze book review bloggers program. Other than that, neither the
publisher, author nor anyone connected to them offered any influence on the
content of my review. The opinions I have expressed are entirely my own.