Sunday, October 27, 2013

You're Stronger Than You Think Book Review

You’re Stronger Than You Think

Author Dr. Les Parrott takes the reader through strategies in using your inner strength to face some of life most challenging seasons we encounter.  While reading this book I realized that most of humanity would prefer comfort and convenience to struggle, work and having to utilize strength.  The author suggests that if we utilize the power of our mind, heart, and soul we can accomplish things that we never imagined.

I personally love the way Dr. Parrott combine psychology and biblical principles to encourage the readers.  Traditionally, when we think of strength we think of muscles, weights, and body builders.  However, the strength that we need is an internal strength that gives way to powerlessness.  Many people feel powerless to addictions, circumstances, struggles that they are facing in their life.  Dr. Parrott suggests that when we combine the power of our mind, heart, and soul we can see things come to pass in our life.

I especially love the quotes that the author uses throughout the book.  These nuggets of truth emphasize principles that are presented in the book. I recommend this book to anyone facing challenges or feel that they don’t have what it takes to accomplish the goals that have been set.

Note: I received this book free from the publisher through the Tyndale Blog Network. Other than that, neither the publisher, author nor anyone connected to them offered any influence on the content of my review. The opinions I have expressed are entirely my own.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

When Wisdom Meet Passion

When Wisdom Meet Passion is a power packed book filled with truth and insight into everyday living.  To classify this book as a leadership book would not do it justice.  Its much more than a book on leadership.  Its more like a book on life and how to navigate life successfully.  The word "Passion" is a very popular word in our society.  Many people believe that all it takes is passion to succeed in life but following that line of thinking leave many people disappointed and unfufilled in life.  This book brings Wisdom and Passion at a crossroad that produces nuggets of truth and great insight.

The subtitle entitled "When Generations Collide and Collaborate" speaks to the two generations of the author and co-author.  Dan Miller a leadership guru who has written several leadership books and Jared Angaza a young passionate generation X'er combine to produce a really well written book.

I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for nuggets of truth.  This is a really good book on life lessons.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The One Big Thing by Phile Cooke Book Review


Phile Cooke’s latest book, “The One Big Thing” is by far his best piece of work.  Phile takes the concept of singularity and translate it to finding your purpose and life work.  We live in a world that celebrates multitasking and duality, but in reality people who find true success are those who understands the power of focus.  This idea of focus is counterintuitive it takes a person of discipline to truly pursue it.

Phile began the book by laying out two questions that most people want answered.  The first is what am I suppose to do with my life and the second is how do I get noticed?  He then sets out to answer these questions throughout this book.  So many people are searching, seeking there “One Thing”, but they find themselves frustrated and irritated because they are full of doubt and uncertainty about there one thing.

Phile gives great guidance and advice on discovering and developing your one thing.  He talks about perception – does your one big thing have brand potential and values – why your one big thing must express who you really are.  He then shares insight on created a map of your future and the importance of have a vision for your life.

This book a great book for any person at any level of life, high school, collegiate, entry-level professional, executive, etc.  Finding your one big thing could be the difference between true success and happiness or frustration and disappointment.

Grab this book today!

Note: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze book review bloggers program. Other than that, neither the publisher, author nor anyone connected to them offered any influence on the content of my review. The opinions I have expressed are entirely my own

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Empty Promises Book Review by Pete Wilson


If you have ever dealt with disappointment, discouragement, or defeat because of what you believed to be unanswered prayers, this book will give you perspective and encouragement to continue to fight. 

Author Pete Wilson, pastor of Cross Point Church dissects the feelings of defeat and discouragement we feel when it seems that we’ve been forgotten or things are not going our way.  We live in a time where have a vision for your life and setting goals are a normal way of life.  I believe goal setting and establishing a vision for your life is essential to moving for life forward.

However, just as the devil has always done since the beginning of creation, he’s taken the good and corrupted it for bad.  Pete calls this “empty promises”.  Pete talks about the waiting rooms of life and how during those moments, there is a tendency to throw in the towel and quit. 

Believing God and trusting in his Wisdom and plan for our life can be uncomfortable, when it appears nothing is happen and there is no progress.  We live in the age of progress.  We need to “see” something happening, we need to see growth, whether it’s financial growth, church growth, career growth, family growth, when we don’t see things happening we can become discouraged.

In empty promises the author lays out practical wisdom to having true satisfaction which can only be found in Jesus Christ.  So, if you are in a season where you’ve pondered throwing in the towel and quitting.  Maybe, you feel that God has forgotten about you, this book will renew your hope and give you clarity on “life empty promises”.

Note: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze book review bloggers program. Other than that, neither the publisher, author nor anyone connected to them offered any influence on the content of my review. The opinions I have expressed are entirely my own.

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Power of the Local Church


Just wanted to take a moment and share some thoughts about the local church.  Many people have many different thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about the local church and it's role in society.  I want to be very clear, I am a local church guy.  I believe the local church is the hope of the world.  I am a part of a dynamic, spirit filled local church, The Life Church of Memphis.  This weekend my pastor asked a question during his sermon and it was this, when you think of the local church, what ideas, feelings, thoughts  surface in your mind and heart?

I'm sure many people have experienced many different experiences in their respective local church.  Some good, some bad, some memorable and some you simply want to forget.  There is no perfect church, but there should be life giving, warm, accepting environments where people feel connected and valued.

I was brought up in a very traditional church setting.  It was a small church, where we were truly like family.  While that had it's benefits, there was also downsides to that type of environment.  Without a doubt, I can say the local church has been a difference maker in my life.  When I think of the local church, many thoughts run across my mind, like the Summer I spent leading teenagers vacation bible school as a college student.  The old hymn that my grandmother would lead during Sunday morning devotions, even the week long revivals and the mourners bench.  The night my brothers and I gave our hearts and lives to Jesus Christ.  I am able to share those stories because I was a part of a powerful local church.

We live in a day were many people are skeptical, critical, and anti-church.  The reality is the church as a whole have a part to play with this attitude that's shared by so many people.  When we get back to the basics, the foundation of what the local church was intended to be, we will see revival in our cities, countries and world.

The only thing Jesus ever promised to build was the local church...its time for you to get plugged in!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Coming Revolution Book Review

Dr. Richard Lee issues a clarion call to the citizens of this great country, the call is loud and clear it’s time to wake up, stand up, and speak up.  Dr. Lee parallels history with our current political, social, economic climate.  He uses past success and failures to script a plan of action for us today.  It has been stated before that if we don’t learn from history, then history will repeat itself.

I personally found this book to be eye opening, encouraging, and inspiring.  The author looks into recent movements such as the Tea Party and Occupy Movement, which gives readers insight into the true purpose and motives of both movements.  The reality is the main stream media has played a tremendous role in shaping the opinions and ideas of the American people as it relates to politics, in particular this current political climate.  As we stand on the brink of a critical election year, this book is not only extremely important but essential in setting inaccurate reporting straight and opening the eyes of the American voters as they compare and contrast presidential candidates. 

Historically, the great awakening is the moment in history when the American people awoke from their sleep and mobilized for freedom and liberty.  Dr. Lee suggests the same thing is happening with the tea party movement we see today.  “We the people” are awakening from our slumber and standing up for freedom.  The freedom with seek isn’t just for us, but it’s for our children and our great grandchildren.  While there are some who are ashamed of the success of our country, I’m not.  I realize that God has set this land as a beacon of  light for the entire world to see what can happen when free people are able to be free.

Note: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze book review bloggers program. Other than that, neither the publisher, author nor anyone connected to them offered any influence on the content of my review. The opinions I have expressed are entirely my own.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Kingdom Man by Dr. Tony Evans book review

Dr. Tony Evans issues a clarion call to Christian Men- its time for us to take our rightful place as the protector, priest and providers of our households, churches, and communities.  Kingdom Man is such a timely book, as I look at the conditions of our communities, churches, and families, its very obvious that men have abdicated their responsibilities and the collateral damage is obvious.  Dr. Evans gives biblical insight and divine concepts into the characteristics of a kingdom man.  He challenges the manhood of men, to step up and lead from the front.  This is a book of empowerment, direction, and action.  This book calls men to action, this is not a book you will read and put on your bookshelf and simply say that was a good book.  No, this book, will require you to act, to do something.  If you’re ready to make a difference, if your ready to get off the sidelines, then this book is for you.  No longer can we afford to stand on the sideline as our family and community suffer. 

Dr. Evans lays out this book with practical biblical instruction.  He leaves no stone unturned.  The book has three sections: The Formation of a Kingdom Man, The Foundation of a Kingdom Man, and The Function of a Kingdom Man.  As you can probably tell from the titles of these sections, Dr. Evan methodically builds upon the concept of a Kingdom Man.  Which leads the reader to a call of action.  Kingdom Man is a great book, I highly recommend it!

Note: I received this book free from the publisher through the Tyndale  book review bloggers program. Other than that, neither the publisher, author nor anyone connected to them offered any influence on the content of my review. The opinions I have expressed are entirely my own.